Beard Care 101: The Secret to Having the Best Beard

Beard Care 101: The Secret to Having the Best Beard

From rugged stubble to full-on lumberjack, these beard care products are just what your grooming routine needs! With luscious beard oils and creamy beard butters, every strand is pampered, every follicle is nourished, and every compliment is well-deserved.



Beards; some love ‘em, some can do without, but for those select few who live, laugh, love a beard but don’t love the growing pains of having one, we can see how that dims the appeal of having one. The itching, the dry skin, the unruliness, the tangles and knots, it’s a lot when you grow a beard for the first time but don’t let the hassle of maintaining one stop you from growing it out. Not sure where to start with your beard journey? Here’s a few pro tips for your new face, new you lifestyle: 


  • Clean and Moisturize it! 

So we all do skin care, whether or not we’re growing a beard, but did you know that there’s a subsect of skin care that’s specifically for beards? Brands like Educated Beards have geared their products towards those who are in their beard movements so they can love their beards moment to moment, and the beauty with their product line is that it’s a 2 and 1 and there’s nothing else we love more than a more convenient and healthy way to keep clean! With their patented body and beard wash, you can scrub you and your beard clean all in one shot while showering. But of course, the care doesn’t stop just with giving your beard a good scrubbing, moisturizing it is just as important! Ever had dry hair and how itchy a scalp can get with dandruff from the dry skin? Now just imagine that, but on your face. Not so slay, right? But an easy remedy to a dry beard is a good quality beard oil! Not only will it keep your beard looking shiny, it’ll help with your skin underneath it, keeping it moisturized and happy and far, far away from the possibility of the dreaded beardruff. 


  • Maintenance doesn’t require much!

Let’s call a spade a spade, a beard, at the end of the day, is hair, so when you’re combing through your hair on your head, give a little lovin’ to the hair growing out of your face. Investing in a good brush, and if you want to get real fancy, getting a brush specifically for your beard, will help distribute the oils all throughout, leaving you with a tangless, polished beard! Beard care always starts at home, so make sure to have all the proper accoutrement to have a seamless as possible beard care journey, trust us, it’ll make a big difference. And like hair, bears require trims too! Sometimes when you’re growing a beard, it’ll look a little wild, but some grooming and trimming will keep you feeling and looking good. 


  • Keep your beard fueled with nutrients!

Like vitamins and minerals can help our bodies, they can also help with our hair, and of course, those who are growing out their manes. Small changes to your diet and incorporating in some supplements can affect the growth of your beard, but what small changes, you ask? For your diet, try increasing your intake of leafy greens, eggs and nuts, which are all said to help increase your omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin E intake, and for supplements, think of biotin; which is a vitamin that helps out with not only quicker hair growth but stronger growth as well! And with these small changes, you’ll find that you’ll also start feeling great too.  


We hope these tips help you grow the bead of your dreams! 

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