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Twist, twirl and taste the fun! Goodles Gluten-Free Cavatappi Loopdy-Loos are here to bring a delicious twist to your favorite pasta dishes. Packed with 14g of plant-based protein, 6g of fibre, and loaded with nutrients from hidden fruits and veggeis like spinach, kale, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes, Goodles gluten-free pasta are not only fun to eat but loaded with good-for-you nutrition! With simple, plant-based ingredients, Goodles' pasta gives you the fuel you need without compromising on flavor or texture. A high -protein, high-fibre that's also low glycemic? Yes, please! Goodles really made noodles, gooder! So go ahead, twirl your fork and dig in. Goodles Gluten-Free Loopdy-Loos are ready to bring the fun back to your dinner table!
Maïs, Riz brun, Pois chiches, Pois jaunes, Protéine de pois chiches, Gomme xanthane, Nutriments extraits de (brocoli, épinards, chou frisé, citrouille, patate douce, graine de tournesol, canneberge, chlorelle, champignon maitake, champignon shiitake)