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Boutique de cartes-cadeaux!

Deck the halls with boughs of gift cards! Whether you’re looking for a gift for the holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries, you can never go wrong with a Natura Market gift card!

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Last minute gift shopping or having trouble picking out something that’s just right for your friend, family or co-worker? Well now you don’t have to stress with Natura Market gift cards! We know how tough it can be to buy someone a gift, especially while considering any dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices and changes that they may be going through, so why not just have them decide for themselves? There’s nothing better than a funded personal shopping spree on our books, but of course that doesn’t mean you only have to get them a gift card! If you have a good understanding of their likes and diets, go ham with snacks and seal it with a nice little gift card in the end so that they can snack while they shop using the gift card! Now doesn’t that sound grand?



Natura Market’s gift cards come in a variety of different amounts, ranging from $10 to $100, and you can either get physical gift cards delivered to you or to your giftee, or if you want to go the paperless route and need a gift to send to them almost instantaneously, we also have e-gift cards, loadable to an amount of your choosing!